The Hawaii Quilt Guild (HQG), also known as Na Po`e Humukuiki O Hawai`i, was founded in 1984, with the purpose of preserving the traditions, culture and history of quilting, and to promote the knowledge and understanding of the art of quilting through continuing education services for members and public education activities. Since that time, the Guild has grown to exceed 120 members, not only on Oahu, but also throughout the outer islands, U.S. mainland, and foreign countries.
Our member profile is as diverse as the traditions of quilting itself. Members range from beginners to accomplished artists with works shown in juried shows across the country, to those with a love for the traditions of quilting. Our members range in age from middle-schoolers to great grandmothers. Hawaii’s cultural and ethnic diversity is displayed in the faces and hearts of Guild members. This diversity adds to the unique mix of learning experiences that HQG offers to all who join and participate in Guild activities.
Article about the Hawaii Quilt Guild: HNLMagQuilt
BEES: Our quilting bees meet regularly at various locations around Oahu and provide more opportunities to quilt, piece or applique and, of course, talk! Check the monthly guild newsletter to find out when and where they are being held.
BLOCK OF THE MONTH: Each month a block is selected and instructions are published in the newsletter. Members bring completed blocks to the following month’s guild meeting, then cross their fingers for luck in winning the drawing!
BOARD MEETINGS: Members are encouraged to submit ideas or suggestions and attend the board meetings, held just before the general meeting at 6:00 pm. Board members have a lot of fun and some great laughs!. Board meeting minutes are published in the Member’s Only section of the website.
CLASSES/EDUCATION: The classes offered to members are as varied as the Guild membership. Classes on new techniques, projects or methods are offered by Guild members and neighbor island/mainland teachers.
DOOR PRIZES: At each regular meeting, there are different quilt-related door prizes handed out to members. To be eligible, each member must be in good standing with the guild, and wear his or her fabric-sewn nametag. You will receive a door prize ticket upon signing in at the hospitality table.
“FREEBIE” TABLE: One man’s (woman’s) trash is another man’s (woman’s) treasure. Peruse the ‘freebie’ table during a meeting, and look what you might go home with! Treasures!
HOLIDAY PARTY: This annual event is a way to celebrate the holidays with other guild members. This is a sit-down luncheon with plenty of time to socialize. Held in either Nov. or Dec.
JUNE POTLUCK: This annual event is another way to get to know members. We share a potluck dinner with other members. Afterwards there is an auction of members’ donations from their sewing room. It can be quite lively and entertaining!!
LIBRARY: HQG has an extensive library of quilting books available! Books may be checked out by members at the monthly meetings and are due back at the following monthly meeting.
MONTHLY MEETINGS: Education Program (e.g., techniques, trunk show, etc. by world renown quilters, quilter stories from HQG members, etc.)
NA LIMA ALOHA: Translated “the hands of love,” this is the Guild’s community services arm, which contributes quilts island-wide to those in need. Check the monthly guild newsletter to find out when and where the meetings are held.
NAME BADGES: Members are encouraged to make name badges when joining the guild, as they are a great way to get to know other members. Members must wear their fabric-sewn nametag to be eligible for door prize drawings.
NEWSLETTER: Our monthly newsletter contains articles of upcoming events, information of interest to quilters, and the pattern for next month’s “Block of the Month.” Articles from members and committee chairs must be sent to the editor by the 5th of the month for inclusion in that month’s edition.
QUILT SHOW: The highlight of the year is our annual quilt show held each April/May. The non-juried show is the largest show of its kind in the state and represents a wide variety of quilting styles, tastes and talents.
SHOW-N-TELL: This is the part of the meeting we all look forward to. It is inspiring because of the great ideas we receive from one another. Members and guests show off works in progress, tops, completed quilts, and seek advice on color, border, or anything else.
WEBSITE: We are located online at: There you will find information on upcoming programs, classes, and much more.