Quarterly Challenge

QUARTERLY CHALLENGE – A challenge is when you take the instructions and interpret them and incorporate them into a project you.create.

2021-2024 Quarterly Challenge – Chairperson:  Aloma Wang


Use only white, cream, ivory and pink fabric. No prints.
Finished size of block 12” x 12”.
Sew 2 blocks. One of the blocks will be donated to Na Lima.

Apr-May-June Quarterly Challenge

Patriotic Theme Mini Quilt
Use red, white, and blue fabric in all shades and prints. Embellish with decorative stitching, buttons, ribbon. Make a mini quilt, any size. Have fun, be creative and create a mini masterpiece. Due date: JULY MTG,

Heads ups: Quarterly Challenge (Oct-Dec) (due end of Dec. Please send a picture to Aloma Wang)

Door Hanger – Christmas Themed – Any size

Use red, green, white and yellow solid colored fabric only, no prints

Must include a Christmas tree and at least one star

Be creative!

Quarterly Challenge (July-Sep 2022) (due Oct meeting)

.The fat quarters in fall colors you swapped at the July meeting as well as other fabric you’d like to add. Must have a dark brown/black in at least one of the fabrics you use.

Sew an item that can be used on a table.     No size, shape or other restrictions.

Use your imagination and be creative

Quarterly Challenge (Apr-June 2022)


Examples below:

President’s Quarterly Challenge…due Sept. 30
At the last meeting I had three challenges for members to choose from to try and encourage more participation.
We had a winner, but it was decided that we would leave all three, and members can choose one of the three.
You must use all the elements within one of the groups. We had 14 votes, so I expect at least 14 items for
“Show and Tell” next month.
Challenge 1 – One solid background fabric, 1 appliqué (any style) and completed project, ready to be given as a gift.
Challenge 2 – Log cabin block(s) any style, fussy cut center, quilted with colored thread.
Challenge 3 – At least one 1” square, a polka dot fabric and a print fabric for binding.
Start your creative engines, play with your fabric and let’s make something

APRIL 2021 CHALLENGE complete by 30 JuneQuarterly Challenge

Show a Piece of Hawaii * Make a quilt that represents Hawaii to you.
** Use a piece of yellow fabric.
** Use a wedge shape.
** Quilt a circle or spiral.
** Finish the edge.

Post a photo on the Hawaii Quilt Guild Facebook Page or email me, and I can post for you. Prizes will be awarded on the first of the month following the end of each challenge.

JANUARY 2021 CHALLENGE complete by 31 March
* Six or more different fabrics; one must be a Stripe.
* Include a Star
* Quilting must be straight line
* Binding must have two colors in the fabric.
Post a photo on the Hawaii Quilt Guild Facebook Page or email me, and I can post for you. Prizes will be awarded on the first of the month following the end of each challenge.

OCTOBER CHALLENGE – Complete by 31 December 2020

Blacks and/or Whites fabric only

Use two or more shapes. Different sizes of one shape is still one shape.

Quilting includes two or more different thread colors.

Binding must have include a color other than black and/or white.

Post a photo on the Hawaii Quilt Guild Facebook Page (select Media – Album – Quarterly Challenge) or email me (Barb Rubio) and I can post for you. Prizes will be awarded on the first of the month following the end of each challenge.

July Challenge Entries:

We will begin a quarterly challenge to include everyone….quilters who love to quilt, but not necessarily who enjoy piecing blocks. A challenge is when one takes the instructions and interprets them and incorporates them into a project you create.

Start months: July, October, January, and April. Finish date is prior to the next starting month.

July Challenge – floral, brown fabric, a triangle, quilting stitches and a finished edge. NO SIZE restriction. Be creative.

Examples: – a brown floral fabric cut into a triangle with meander quilting and binding – a flower made of triangles with a brown stem with a quilted flower on the background; the edges stitched and trimmed with pinking shears. – Hawaiian quilt – brown background, white flower with echo stitching and finished as a pillow. Below is an example of what I made.

Post a photo of your challenge project on the Hawaii Quilt Guild Facebook or email it to me to post. I will select a name from all the entries for a prize Photos due NLT 30 September 2020. Have fun! Just another way to get involved and be creative! ~~Barbara Rubio